My Favorite Ingredients
Anything as long as it has SPF
Every esthetician’s must have. Protection from the sun will help with premature aging, fine lines, pigmentation, and skin cancers.
The bossy ingredient. Telling our cells what to do and how to function properly. Leaving the skin firmer, more even, and reduced in inflammation.
Fulvic Acid
Great for all skin types, especially inflammatory concerns such as acne, eczema, rosacea etc. It’s a natural anti inflammatory ingredient to target all skin conditions.
Hypochlorous acid
Anti bacterial Anti microbial acid, great for skin concerns like acne, eczema, etc. Keeping the skin clear of all surface bacteria, a must to keep with you throughout the day.
Amazing way to exfoliate the skin. Usually derived from fruit extracts, enzymes will dissolve the dead skin cells without creating irritation. Leaves the skin silky smooth.
Stem Cells
Stem cells nourish the skin which aid in rebuilding the skin. Helps plump fine lines and wrinkles.